Thursday, May 5, 2011


Life in the Darden bubble continues to defy the traditional boundaries of space and time. You wouldn't believe it unless you were here but the last four weeks have flown by in a split-second and I am 48 hours away from boarding a flight for my Darden Global Business Experience to Israel! This week I've wrapped up classes, worked on four group projects simultaneously, started building the foundation for an ambitious Energy Club agenda next year, and tried to find balance by making time for some belly-busting gym action...very important before a visit to the beaches of Tel Aviv!

The triumvirate of roommates all head to Israel next week

My first year at Darden has been ending rather anticlimactically. Unlike high school (or even college) there's no crescendo to the end of the school year symphony...rather it just...sort of ends. You say bye to a couple folks and trust you'll see the rest when you return to Charlottesville in 3.5 months. As one of my Facebook friends posted today, "This is the way first year ends: not with a bang but a whimper (or the click of an "upload" button)."

Well, no time to loiter on this blog post.  Need to grab a quick Cinco de Mayo margarita as a stress relief prior to taking my last exam of the year.  Talk to you soon from the Middle East!

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